
Bamse - Världens starkaste björn

This year (2024) I am proud to announce the release of my first title. Authored together with my brother Adam Kamsten we are set to release a special edition print of a script we originally wrote for film back in 2006 for the oldest Swedish children’s cartoon “Bamse” .
The book is called “I Skalmans skal” and will explore a previously untouched world of a turtle inventor with a shell full of stuff. For the first time in over 50 years we get to see the inside of this magical shell - something both young and old have pondered about for half a century - What does the inside look like?
This year you will know!

I am also currently in the process of developing our second children’s book called Sophie’s Spiders.
The book is aimed at 5-9 year olds and is written in a form of iambic pentameter.

Sophie is a young wizard that lives in a regular urban neighbourhood. She loves books and reads all day to her best friends, her spiders. But mother is not as fond of the eight legged intruders as her daughter. Something has got to go, but what….?

Join Sophie and her spiders in this first book about her hideout under the stairs to the basement of her house.

Excerpt from the book.

This here is Sophie, a girl at age six. She knows how to read and write and a few magic tricks.

Sophie lives here in this quite urban house, together with parents a sister and pet baby mouse. 

This is the kitchen with the cellar below, nobody answers when you call out “Hello”:

As empty as it may seem, it’s full of life like a wild midnight-dream.

Under the stairs there’s a small tiny space. A hide-out, a cave, Sophie's magical place.

There underneath she spends most of her days, reading favourite books at a comfortable pace. 

One of a castle and one with no end, one with no pictures, and one for her friend.

Reading books for her friends.

Reading books for her friends.

Sophie the wizard.

Sophie the wizard.

Storytime with Sophie and her spiders.

Storytime with Sophie and her spiders.